Welcome to "Belajar Asyik" Blog Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, "Dua nikmat, yang manusia banyak tertipu dengannya : nikmat sehat dan waktu luang" (hadits shahih diriwayatkan oleh Al-Bukhari, At-Tirmidzi, Ibnu Majah, Ahmad dan lainnya)

Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

Contoh SURAT Penerimaan Pesanan : Alat Kosmetik

Jl. Doraemon Nomor 122
No       : 11 / 5A / V / 2012                                                                                    11 April 2012,
Hal       : Pemberitahuan Penerimaan Pesanan
Yth. Direktur PT Grafinda Mega Pratama
Jln Mawar No. 18

Dengan Hormat,
Terima kasih atas surat pesanan saudara No. 115 / 15 / IV / 2012 tanggal 11 april 2012. Dengan ini kami beritahukan kosmetik lulur mandi, Hand body, dan Bedak yang saudara pesan ada dalam persediaan kami.
Pengiriman akan kami laksanakan tanggal 1 Januari 2013, sesuai dengan kesepakatan yang telah disetujui bahwa saudara akan membayar 50% pada saat barang tiba dan sisanya dibayar secara tunai 2 hari setelah barang kami kirimkan, kami memberikan keperayaan kepada Indra Hardyansyah untuk menerima penyerahan uang tersebut.
Terima kasih atas perhatian dan kerja sama saudara.

Hormat kami,

Manager Penjualan

Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

Contoh Makalah Bahasa Inggris Tentang Facebook

ok bro' sekarang gue mau nyoba posting tentang makalah bahasa inggris yang berjudul "The Impact of Facebook"
Ini dia :D
1.1    Background
Social networks, who have never heard the term? Almost all people in Indonesia know the term because a massive campaign by the content services and mobile operators. Social networking is a site of friendship in the virtual world, there are many social networking sites are: Facebook, Twitter, Freindster, 12Frenz, My Space and others.
One of the sites most popular social network is Facebook. According to alexa.com Facebook is a social networking into the first rank accessible to the people of Indonesia. So easy to make friends here, because the technology is very advanced in it and also the availability of a wide range of languages ​​available in Facebook.
No wonder users are increasingly growing up. Almost everyone has a Facebook. Facebook usage in daily life have an influence for the users, if we are not smart in dealing with this social networking site, might we addicted to Facebook, and like opium, whatever shall we do to be able to use Facebook.
That's what lies behind the author lifted the title up, as seen from everyday life that almost never be separated from the debate on Facebook, so why not Facebook by author ever discussed in scientific papers and presented as a form of caring writer that all Facebook users including the author himself is not only familiar with Facebook as a fun thing, but something that also should be wary of.

1.2    The Formulation of the Problem
1)      How is the story of Facebook?
2)      What are the positive and negative impacts of Facebook?

1.3    Purpose of The Study
The purpose of the study is that we know the history of Facebook, and what are the positive and negative impacts of Facebook.

1.4    The Benefit of the Study
The benefit of the study is increasing our knowledge history of Facebook and know what positive and negative impacts of facebook.


2.1    History of Facebook
Facebook is a popular social networking website launched on February 4, 2004. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard student, its function as a medium to get to know each other for Harvard students.
Within two weeks after launch, half of Harvard students already have a Facebook account. Not only were some of the other campuses are also included in the network Facebook. Zuckerberg finally asked for help two friends to petrify develop Facebook and meet other campuses to join the network. Within four months after the launch, Facebook has 30 campuses in its network.
With this success, Zuckerberg and his two friends decided to move to Palo Alto and rented an apartment there. After a few weeks in Palo Alto, Zuckerberg managed to meet with Sean Parker, and Parker the results of the meeting also agreed to move into an apartment Facebook to co-develop Facebook. Not long after that, Parker managed to get Peter Thiel (PayPal cofounder) as its first investor. Thiel invested 500 thousand U.S. dollars for the development of Facebook.
The number of accounts on Facebook keep soaring, so in mid-2004 to Zuckerberg Friendster bid to buy Facebook for $ 10 million U.S. Dollars, and Zuckerberg was rejected. Zuckerberg had no regrets rejected the offer because it was not long after that Facebook receives more financial support amounting to 12.7 million U.S. Dollars from Accel Pathners. And since it is backed by funding from various investors continue to flow for the development of Facebook.
In September 2005, Facebook is no longer limiting network just for college students, Facebook is also open its network for high school students. Some time later Facebook is also open its network to office workers. And finally September 2006 Facebook opened registration to anyone who has an e-mail.

2.2    The Positive and Negative Impact of Facebook
Any new technology, regardless of its form, must have positive and negative impacts. So is Facebook has positive and negative effects. Here are some positive and negative impacts of the use of Facebook, among others:

2.1.2        The Positive Impact
1)        Strengthen relationship
Deepen relationship is one of the benefits of Facebook the least we can feel. We can deal directly with the people closest to us despite the distance, even with Facebook we can rediscover the people we have ever known in the past.
2)        Knowing the potential
In Facebook there are many useful quiz. That could hone and test how much intelligence IQ, EQ and SQ us. But we still have to be alert because some contained quiz on Facebook containing the elements forecast, and we certainly understand that belief in prophecy is a shirk, sin will not be forgiven by Allah.
3)        Media Promotions
Clearly, Facebook can be used as a promotional medium, be it promoting media services, institutions or products style.
4)        Means discussion
On Facebook we can join in a variety of community / group.
5)        The place to share stories
As a normal human being, of course, we will always be surrounded by various problems of life, and as social beings we want to share the story with others, one container to confide in the most appropriate way is up. By simply updating (update) status on the porch Facebook, friends who care usually will comment on the status of the contents we could just as simply encouraging or even provide an alternative to solve the problem.

2.1.3        The Negative Impact
1)        The time wasted
More time wasted on things that are less useful, we usually lose track of time while it is fun to use facebook. Facebooker who is commonly referred to as Syndrome of Facebook alias addiction of Facebook.
2)        Wasteful of money
The impact of this one certainly can not be avoided, especially those who are online by utilizing the services of internet and wireless network providers such as cafes or shop / café / restaurant that provide hotspot and those who use a cell phone (mobile phone) to using facebook. It certainly costs more.
3)        Lazy learning
Facebook is fun, but we should not neglect the other jobs, this means indirectly we have what is called a twit fun.
4)        Trigger promiscuity indefinitely
We all know that Facebook is the virtual world, a world without borders, a person can be anything and do anything. Then of course we have to introspect ourselves while maintaining our association in a positive direction.


3.1    Conclusion
According to the results of our study group, it can be concluded that Facebook is one social networking site that attracted many from all walks of life. Not only will it look attractive, but also easy to use applications that are inside more complete. No wonder almost everyone especially among teens have a Facebook account. As with anything else, Facebook created by Mark Zuckerberg as a well as a convenient means of communication, even misused by parties who are not responsible.
Facebook in addition to having a positive impact also would have a negative impact as time wasted, lazy, wasteful of money, neglecting other duties. So as intellectual beings we ought to be able to control the attitude of addiction on social networking sites.

3.2    Suggestion
In accessing or creating an account on social networking sites particularly Facebook there are a few things to note include:
1)      Do not make a status message vilify other people or institutions.
2)      Do not put important information such as phone number in it, because it can give a person to do evil with that information.
3)      Do not be too trusting with people we just met.
4)      For the parents watch your children in the use of this technology.


tolong hargai karya orang lain. Thanks